Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Sympathy for the Donners

How's everyone enjoying being cooped up inside with your family? Or alone?

I'm...well. I haven't bitten or killed anyone.


Ah, yes. An oldie gif, but a goodie. And I still pronounce that hard-G GIF, not jiff. It's a moving picture, not peanut butter!

But I digress. Between washing my hands almost to stumps and trying not to day drink (I'm working from home...mostly), I can honestly say it's been an adventure. My father died last October (thankfully for him; he'd have gone absolutely spare if locked up like this for any length of time), so it's just me and my brother here taking care of Mom.

You'd think that three people could handle being confined to a 3,000 square foot property without something absolutely tragic happening, would you? Well, 1,000 feet of that is a damp, chilly basement with a cat who does NOT want us telecommuting from his home, and each of us needs way more than 600 square feet of buffer space to maintain civility. It's been maybe four weeks since I started working from home, two and a half of which has been at the "no, we're not going for take out" level of isolation, and we started snapping at each other this weekend.

I fear for people who live with a domestic abuser, I truly do. We like each other, and it's this hard.

Anyway, I found some old yarn and have decided to make blanket squares. It's probably full of asbestos dust from when I used to knit at church (or maybe not; back then the church was cleaned regularly). Although if the fibers are that fine, I'm not sure it matters. Well, I may have 30 years or so to find out.

In other news, I have been making progress on my reading stack. Not reading at my record pace, but...I'm reading. I'll take that as a win. I've also been working on the bread baking. I made an oatmeal bread that probably shouldn't count, because while it rose and baked, I underbaked it, so it collapsed under its own weight. On the whole, a fail.

Ah, well. I still have a ton of yeast and a bunch of flour. I shall bake a proper loaf of white bread! I shall!

Here, have a pretty picture to remind us all that we will come through this!

I can't wait to go back there....