Saturday, February 29, 2020


I may have a problem.

So. I need to get a'readin'. I have a slightly shorter, but similarly themed, stack of library books on the living room end table. 

I have decided that after the chaos that was last year, I need to get myself back to basics. To that end, I've given up generic social media - which excludes Ravelry, I have to keep my Ravelry; need my yarn fix and the community surrounding it. And I've taken up reading again. Even finished four whole books so far this year!

I remember when I could read that many in a week. Too much stress, and too many responsibilities going on now, I guess.

I also need to figure out my issue with bread. Father used to tell me it was because I'm "too impatient". He wasn't wrong. Waiting on the bread to rise is excruciating, and I never make it the full rise before I'm poking at it and trying to see if it's done.

This weekend was going to be my first foray into baking with a simple oatmeal bread recipe, but it's both 'do the roots' weekend and the start of the local yarn crawl. As I cannot neglect my hair, nor can I skip out on the crawl (which is only a week this year instead of the usual two), I can't make bread happen on Sunday.

Bread will happen next week.

But knitting has happened!

I have started a sweater! A shrug, really. Tube sleeves, then I'll add a collar. It's actually quite a bit bigger than this, but I haven't taken a new picture. When I add some more, I will take a new picture. 

It's slow, but things are moving in the right direction. I just hope I can keep my sails set for the proper course!

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