Saturday, July 27, 2013

Next month is going to suck.

So, I've finally done it. I've procrastinated on it for ages, found a million excuses not to do it, but finally, time has caught up to me.

Next month, I move house. To a space of my very own. No roomies, no family members, no one but me and my cat.

Yes, I'm freaking out. But I've consoled myself with the knowledge that I can have my very own craft room. I'm going to put it in what is supposed to be the dining room, but honestly -- who wants guests when you can have your very own craft room? So I'm going to have a table (a long folding table) where I will keep my sewing machine and bookbinding equipment, my stash is going to be apportioned around the entire condo (for a condo it is -- twice the size of the largest apartment I can afford, if I chose to live without eating or turning on the lights) so I'm never too far from my yarn. I may even get a cutting board for my sewing projects, leave that out on the table. I will have to be the Pin Police, though, because of my cat.

Of course, all the moving and setting up and painting and having heart attacks because I'm going to be responsible for all the living expenses I incur is going to seriously impact my crafting time, though. At least for a few weeks.

I'm not happy about that, but once I get moved in, settled and have my cable hooked up...oh, yeah. Then I'll be knitting with gas! (OK, not gas -- the heat is from a boiler system run on kerosene, but you know what I mean.)

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