So I decided to do some therapeutic shopping. Yes, I know it's silly and short-sighted, but I've been PMSing since the day I got back, so screw the critics. I needed some retail therapy, and I did keep it small, which is some comfort.
My local box store of choice had a massive coupon sale, so I went just absolutely insane in the yarn aisle. The photos are representative, you understand--if I'd uploaded the photos of every single yarn I bought, Blogger would explode.
I got some Sensations It's a Wrap in this pretty blue clown barf color. I like it, have been interested in it for ages, and it will make a nice warm hat and mitten set for next winter. (And if you don't know what my Box Store of Choice is by now, you really need to get out more and buy some yarn.)
Then I went wild on the Patons Silk Bamboo (Knitters Gone Wild! I wonder how that video would sell....) The picture below represents the two I got in the Sapphire colorway, I did not upload the additional four pictures of the Sea, Ivory, Moss and Orchid colors I purchased. The worst bit is, the coupons only worked on the Sapphire and Orchid colorways. Sea, Ivory and Moss were on sale--but not as steeply discounted as the coupons would have made it, so I actually ended up arguing with the cashier that they had no sign up and so the sale price shouldn't apply. Yes, that was weird. No, I didn't get my way. Suck.
Then, not satisfied with my yarn binge at Box Store of Choice, I ended up at my LYS. I was in a very bad state on that particular day, so bad a state that a LYS SEXpedition* did not completely cure it.
Which is good, as I was in the midst of a seriously hormonal hate storm at the time. I haven't felt that moody since I left puberty, which, actually, probably wasn't that long ago. Anyway, between this and the two (!!!) chocolate bars I've snarfed down in the interim, I'm not quite so hateratin' on myself at the moment. Hey, that chocolate was medicinal. I don't need a prescription!
So, that's about the shape of things in my part of the world. I haven't really done much actual knitting, but then again, I've not been in a good enough mood. God, there are days when I almost wish I were menopausal. Not many, as I've come to terms with my biology (after a long, hard, unpleasant war) but this month.... OMG. I can't believe I didn't kill someone way back in the day. Like myself.
I must have had a higher tolerance for emotional pain than I knew.
*LYS SEXpedition= Local Yarn Shop Stash Enhancing eXpidition. I doubt the other sort of sexpidition would have cheered me up, either.
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