I confess, I am, at best, a sporadic knitter. I did the mile 'o yarn Who scarf, yes, but in the past year, that was just about the only project I've actually
completed. Well, let's see, there were the rose colored mitts, I think those were in the past year, and.... Um. Yeah.
So imagine my shock to realize today that, not only did I finish my jabot, but I finished three,
THREE!, Connor Caps. Yowza. One of them I even made up on the fly, as I was just trying for a nice, round number of hats to send (since even numbers are, per my OCD, teh ebil). Here they are, in reverse order.
Cap 3: I Just Want To Burn Through This Yarn Cap

That's an inch and a half of 2x2 rib (doubled up worsted weight yarns on size 13s, if anyone is curious), switch color, a row of knit, a row of eyelets, a row of knit, a row of double stitches (wrap twice around the needle and drop), a row of knit, a row of eyelet, two rows of knit, switch colors, knit a row (to make 5 inches of body) and reduce. Top with a cute tassel, which actually makes it look vaguely Oriental in person. Number of stitches doesn't matter, since I chose some that work on any number of stitches (except the rib; I did have two sets of knit at the join end, but I don't think it matters. Choose your own ribbing, whatever.) The picture stinks, because it doesn't show to advantage without a head in it. Took less than two hours to knit. Unfortunately, adult sized (I have wicked loose tension), but I'm sure there are children with adult sized heads in Wisconsin. I mean, my nephew is vaguely the size of a small horse, and he's only 10, so surely they've got some full sized kids up there.
Hat 2: Slouchy Square Hat

This was the easiest, but conversely the longest to knit, hat. It's just a tube with a weird cast off (to make it slightly wider so the tassels will droop off the sides) and two tassels.
Fin.Hat 1:
Helix Hat
Simple, but not really quick. The worsted weight yarn made for a heavy slog in terms of knitting time. But once I got through the roll brim and started switching colors, it wasn't so bad. Most of the body of the hat was knitted during a viewing of
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring on TBS, so it's possible there's some wonky tension in there. No matter, it will get stretched out properly once it's on a head.
I also started on the scarf I'm making for a friend for Christmas. I would take a picture, except a. I'm pretty sure she doesn't read my blog, but you never know, b. I've already put it away and if I take it out I might start knitting on it again, and c. I want to resurprise myself with how far I've knitted. I've got three repeats of the lace pattern (and a lifeline; heh, fool me once and all that garbage) done already (no errors!) At that pace, I'll be done with it in ten days (30 repeats for the whole scarf). If I manage that, I'll probably faint.
It's actually in a very nice yarn; Panda Silk. Well, I'm not very hot on the knitting with it, but once it's knitted, the fabric is very nice. Soft, sweet and drapey. Splitty and aggravating as all hell to work with, but the nicest yarns do seem to be!
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