Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Surly Knitter: Birthday Edition

Well, well, well. Here we are again -- although I hope to make many happy returns. :-)

They say it's my birthday, and I have no reason to doubt anyone involved, so I will celebrate it. I love my birthday, it's a reminder to me that I am alive and there are infinite possibilities ahead. I never feel "old" when I have a birthday (although the occasional work day will give me cause to work my Methuselah mojo), unlike some people I know who weep and wail and mourn. Hey, I get free cake and stuff on my birthday, that's gotta be a good day in just about any book.


So, anyway, I always check my horoscope on my birthday (for fun, I don't believe it, but sometimes it gives me ideas that are worthwhile) and this is what I found:

Today's birthday (Aug. 17): You will invent and reinvent. One of your past creations will be
used in a new way, and you'll make more money.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Reconsider the way your workspace is organized. 
There is a noise or lighting issue to be addressed.

Interesting notes, considering I have immediate plans to re-do my desk (it's a pit; not quite The Pit, more like the outer edges of Purgatory, but close) and a new project for the year that will make my next year The Year Of Writing Dangerously. I plan on taking a few new risks with my writing and hope they'll pay off, but really...the risk itself is adequate why. I don't need money to provoke me.

What can I say, I do love chaos and nothing makes for good chaos quite like wild, uninhibited risk-taking. Bwahahaha.

Also I am thinking of knitting challenges to take up. Cables, for one. I'm not scared of cables, really, I understand the technical side of it too well, it's just...finding a smallish project with cables on that I won't get sick of too quickly. Cables and, I think, color work again. Or maybe...maybe knitting with my Kidsilk Haze (which is only about sixty trillion years old, being one of the first sets of yarn that I stashed) which doesn't tink or even frog.

Now, that's scary.

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