Gods, my life is sucking right now. I can make it, oh, I really can, it's just...disheartening. I'm so busy trying to keep my head above water that I hardly have time to look around and make sure I'm actually heading towards a shore.
Oh, well. I have got some good news. Remember this scarf?
It's done! Yay! I'm having it 'professionally' blocked (that is; I'm not doing it and making a dog's breakfast of it), but should have the pattern and finished item up in a week. Very happy about that. At least I've accomplished a second of my goals for the year: I've made my living as a writer (hah!) and I've finished a pattern intended for sharing. If I had the energy, I'd say there's no stopping me now. :-)
I had just enough yarn to finish it-indeed, I was scraping the barrel on yarn when I bound off. I almost tried for another half repeat, but when I got done and had bound off I checked my tail against the width of my scarf. Supposedly, a row takes three times the length of the row in yarn to knit, but that's if you're doing garter stitch. This sucker has some bobbles, which increases that, and I only had three times the width of the scarf left. If I had tried to do that extra half repeat, I would have run out of yarn right at the bind off. So what to do with three yards of yarn?
I also discovered a treasure this weekend, in my drawer. When I was in high school, a friend of my mother's went to Germany. When she came back, she gave me a gift of a rosary--a beautiful, pale rosary with silver cross and center, and (she said) glass beads. I put it away to keep it safe, as really, glass beads? They felt very thin and fragile and I didn't want to break it.
This past week, I was reviewing my belongings--looking to give things away or put back into use rotation--and I pulled out my rosary bag and found the old German rosary. Realizing it had changed color over the years, I decided to go ahead and polish up the cross and center using baking soda and hoped it would bring the glass back to its old, cream color. So I plopped it into a bowl of baking soda and water and, hey, presto:
It's not glass, the beads are metal! Either silver or possibly tin, one or the other. In either case, it polished up with the baking soda and now it's shiny. I wonder if it was once coated in glass...but I doubt it.
Either way, nice! I guess sometimes you can find treasure in the least likely of places.