The book, I have to say, is way more interesting to work on than the pay work articles. Which is why I am having trouble sitting to my pay work. Yes, that's a reason not an excuse. No, I don't really care.
I'm going to have to get working on the pay stuff this week upcoming, though. And get back onto my schedule. This week was so unsettled (I was sick yet again at the beginning of the week, so I had to cancel almost all my events for Sunday through Tuesday, then my Wednesday events got moved to Friday and Wednesday was empty when it shouldn't have been, Thursday got wiped clean and changed around, and I completely forgot my Friday night plans because I'd consoled myself on Thursday, ass over teakettle in a dentist's chair, that I had nothing to do on Friday at all and it got stuck in my head that way, besides which my Friday felt like my Wednesday....) and it just got me so frustrated. If I'm going to make a proper go of this writing thing, I must be more disciplined! I must be able to be productive despite the chaos, or this will never fly. I might even have to so lower myself as to get a *gasp!* personal organizer.
Who says that working for yourself is the easy option? Or that writing isn't hard work? I'd like to slap them around a bit.
Interesting side note: Despite the fact that no one is paying me to do this, I actually work more, now, on this project, than I did when I was actually pulling down a salary. And I want to work. That's weird enough, right there.
Meanwhile, a preview:
Last week, my co-author and I spent a very, very over-warm morning discovering that yes, our town was, indeed, formerly a swamp. Still is, under the right conditions. And this is butted up against the swamp:
And in completely unrelated news, we've had some very unsettled weather lately, thunderstorms and the like. It's been giving me migraines. I love thunderstorms, though, the howling wind and water flinging itself against the house and trees and flailing them around like an angry toddler with pots and pans. It's a nice energy. And there are some compensations: