Thursday, October 9, 2008

Well, George it ain't.

Guess what I found today, hanging around the house?

Silk! After seeing this picture, I kinda wish I'd gotten some grape juice at the store on my way home today....

This is Faulty Dyer in Silk Thread by Blue Moon Fiber Arts. It's beauty, isn't it? The colors look lovely, framed by the green of the prickle berry tree (I don't know what it is, I just know it tosses down those spikey balls and they hurt Dog's feet when he goes out to pee.)

And another angle, because it's worth it:

This fellow is Silk Thread in Rook-Y. The pictures don't do it justice.

Since these are arguably the most expensive yarns I've bought to date (always leaving room for some sort of buffalo/possum hybrid yarn fetish to come; it can happen), I'm taking all precautions:
It's what, one day in, three out, one more in? Or three in, one out, three in? I'll have to go look it up again.

Actually, the picture is a lie. I bagged them individually (because I dropped Rook-Y while mid-photo shoot, and while I dusted it off carefully and got all the leaves off, I'm paranoid like all get out) then put them in a plastic bag from my favorite retail money pit, wrapped it shut but did not tie it, then put that bag into another bag, wrapped then tied and stuffed it in my upright freezer in the garage. There's bird seed in the chest freezer, see, and I know there's moths (grain moths, yes, but why tempt fate?) in it, so I thought I'd be double cautious.

Anyway, it's in there now. Now, off to Google.... 1, 3, 1? 3, 1, 3?

Oh, bother.

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